Creativity is...seeing something that doesn't exist already. You need to find out how you can bring it into being and that way be a playmate with God... Michele Shea...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Saint Martha

In Search Of Saint Martha
mixed media on canvas(acrylic, colored pencil, pastel, ink, book pages, cigar band, cigar box labels, patterned paper scraps, plastic fork, wire, and yes, I even sunk to using a torn up BINGO card and marker. Sue me. )

An artist's job is to
(1) seek to further understand and interpret something he/she sees, or,
(2) to creatively explain something in an effort to convey great meaning, or,
(3) to blatently rip off someone else's ideas.

I don't know. I had cookies for breakfast and I'm going to have them again for supper, which feels like a happier thing to think about, so I really don't care.


Dari Malapert said...! Lila, my dear - you've knocked my socks off. I LOVE it - and it is absolutely NOT a blatant rip off!

Man - I want some of those cookies. I can't wait to see this one in person. Can it come stay at my house for a while? Come - on - I'm your sister!

Lila Malapert said...

:-D Sure, it can come live with you for a bit! I'm hoping the fork will stay put, so if it doesn't, you would be responsible for figuring out what kind of glue holds it best.

Anonymous said...

How saucy are the ladies Malapert. I can see it in Saint Martha's eye. Nice cutlery there too ;D