Creativity is...seeing something that doesn't exist already. You need to find out how you can bring it into being and that way be a playmate with God... Michele Shea...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oh No

OhNo!Wri Mo.

That's what they should call it. What's she talking about down there with Unexpected Packages? She won't even tell me what it's going to be about.

We're very excited. We are a bit unsettled. We are, perhaps, somewhat alarmed. We won't have time for Christmas shopping ....

(Don't tell Dari, but she's getting a new book for Christmas. I don't know what it's about yet....)


Dari Malapert said...

:-) Hmmm...Christmas book...will it have a dwarf in it??? Forget the Christmas elves...Christmas dwarfs would be so much better...

Lila Malapert said...

Maybe...maybe. And maybe Santa will ride a bicycle!